8 Gift Ideas For Fitness Lovers

Happy Wednesday!

Here is my last and final gift guide of 2018! For all of my fellow gym lovers, health enthusiasts, and more, this gift guide is for you! I’ve got great gym equipment, fun clothes, and other great gift ideas below.

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1. I have been wanting to get back into jump roping for quite some time but I am missing the most important part – the jump rope ha! This one is great because it actually counts what you’ve done!

2. I have a Ban.do yoga mat that I absolutely love. It says “After this we’re getting pizza” ha! This one is just as great with another fun saying on it.

3. How cute is this sweatshirt?! I know a ton of people who would wear this, myself included.

4. I love my Fitbit! I love how it keeps track of all of my healthy and nonhealthy habits. This is the perfect gift for someone who wants to track how their workouts are doing and more!

5. Know someone who loves making protein smoothies, green smoothies, or other healthy recipes? This blender is the perfect gift!

6. Is someone wishing they had their own home gym? One of my favorite pieces of equipment is a kettlebell. This set comes with three different weights!

7. Wireless headphones are a must have. Chandler has a very active job and so his wireless headphones are a must-have for talking with clients and yours truly. 🙂 This is the perfect gift for your active friend!

8. Have a 9-5 job that you have to sit at? In addition to a sit to stand desk, this Gaiam chair is perfect for keeping good posture and ensuring that you aren’t slouching and engaging your core throughout the day.

Thanks for reading!