9 Things That I’m Thankful For

Happy Monday!

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I wanted to take some time today to share what I’m thankful for. When I was thinking about this blog post, I realized that I really don’t take enough time to really acknowledge what I have. I have a lot and I need to be more grateful.

One side note: please don’t think that if something is lower on the list than another that it is less important. The numbers don’t mean that in any way that you are of low priority to me. I wanted to make that clear to make sure that no one would be upset! Also, this isn’t everything that I’m thankful for. This list would be too long if I were to list everything!

         1. My Parents
Growing up, I had a really good life. My parents weren’t rich or anything, but they never let me do without. While they gave me a lot, I also had to earn a lot. When you’re younger it can seem frustrating to have to do this. When you’re older though, you are very happy that they did. Because of them, I was able to get scholarships to college and have smaller student loans compared to most. Because of them, I paid for half of my first car in high school (my mom helped with the other half)and purchased my first new car last year all on my own. Because of them, I know that if you want something, you can achieve it if you work hard enough. Thank you both for pushing me and more importantly believing in me. 
         2. Chandler
This guy is my rock. Him and I are polar opposites (but we do have a lot in common), and so he always picks up where I lack. He’s trustworthy, faithful, kind, and much more. Every time we go somewhere to do something we always have fun. When he moved in with me and my cats he was very allergic but started taking allergy medicine immediately because of his love for me and the cats. He’s definitely one in a million and I am very lucky to call him mine. 
         3. My Friends
This goes for everyone, old and new. When I graduated college and started working, it became harder for me to hang out with people. I would get so busy and tired that I wouldn’t immediately think about hanging out with anyone or texting anyone like I used to. I would love to say thank you to everyone who has understood this and who has continued to welcome me with open arms. Your support is appreciated more than you will ever know and I can’t wait to make more memories with all of you!

         4. Diesel, Oscar, and Felix

What kind of dog and cat mom would I be without mentioning them here? 🙂 I am very thankful for my wonderful pets. Animals have always been one of my quickest keys to happiness. Animals don’t judge you. They don’t speak poorly of you. All they want to do is love you and that’s all I want to do in return.

         5. My bosses at work

Last year we had a new director join my company at work and I’ve told him before that if it weren’t for him, I might not have stayed. At the time I didn’t have a manager and so I would report directly to him. He is one of the most understanding, caring, and supportive bosses I’ve ever had. In July my new manager joined the company, and in the past few weeks I have really started to get to know him better too. Both him and my director have been good role models for me to learn from and are constantly teaching me new things. I always hope to do them proud.

         6. My horse trainer (s)

So far, I have been very lucky to have learned from two different trainers. Both of which have taught me a ton. They have improved my confidence, helped me control my fears, and have inspired me to be the best rider that I can be. Every time that I go to the barn I am just as excited as the first time I was there. I can’t wait to learn more and am truly thankful for the opportunity to learn.

     7. My job

If you have a job you should always be thankful. We all have rough days at work where we are beyond frustrated. However, even when we have those days, we should always be thankful that we have a job. So many people in the world do not have a job and are struggling. I am going on almost four years at my first company out of college and I have learned so much about myself and the corporate world.

     8. My home/car

Almost similar to the last one, many people cannot say that they have a home to go home to. I am very thankful that I not only have a home, but one that is in a nice and safe area. I am also very grateful to have a car that can take me from home to work to the barn, etc. 

     9. ALL OF YOU! 
A little over a year ago, I started this blog as a way to show my creativity in a way that was all my own. If it wasn’t for all of you, this dream wouldn’t continue. It means the world to me to have a support system like all of you that encourages me to share my passion day after day. Knowing that someone else loves what I’m creating truly inspires me and warms my heart. I hope that I always share helpful, fun, and happy content that makes your days better!
If you’ve made it to the bottom of this post, THANK YOU! I’ve never done a post like this before and it was a great self reminder of what I have. With how busy all of us are nowadays, we don’t take enough time to sit down and remember what we’re grateful for. Today, and as often as you can, I encourage you to take some time and write down what you’re grateful for. You could even text or call someone and tell them that you’re so thankful that they’re in your life. I promise it will make their day. 🙂