
End Of The Year Goals

Happy Wednesday!
I swear, this week has gone by SO FAST! Monday and Tuesday were both such busy days that they just flew by! 
Today I am really excited because after work we are celebrating Diesel’s birthday!!! We got him a birthday cake, balloons (that will be strategically placed so he doesn’t pop them…I mean play with them ha!) and tons of dog cookies! All of his best fur-iends are going to be there and we can’t wait to celebrate our little man. I’ll be posting on my Instagram story tonight so make sure to tune in! 🙂
For today’s blog post, I wanted to share some of my end of the year goals with all of you. These goals are specific to me, but anyone could honestly use them too!  
  1. Stay on budget!

Staying on budget can be hard, especially during the holidays. With all of the cute gifts and decorations available, how can you not splurge on that cute wreath or necklace for your best friend (or yourself ha!)? What I like to do is set a budget for each area  – gifts, decorations, eating out, etc. By creating this budget, you are allowing yourself only that amount of money per area. To make it even more set in stone, take out cash for the amounts you have and only pull from that. Debit/credit cards are easy to swipe, but you the amount of cash you have is always only what you have.

     2. Make time for walks every day during work.

Sitting all day at work is SO bad for you! It’s not good for your back, legs or any other part of your body. For my fellow 9-5 desk job friends, in addition to getting a standing desk (if you can), try to use your break times to go on short walks throughout the day. This could even be just a few laps around your building. I go on walks with my coworker twice a day and for our two 15 minute walks we burn an additional 200 calories a day! How awesome is that! Of course that will vary from person to person, but it’s still a great healthy way to get a break from your desk. 
     3. Stretch at least five times a week.
Ever since I hurt my back last year, I have to make time to stretch and foam roll. This helps my muscles so much and it makes me stronger and more flexible. Stretching can take time though, so I try to set at least 20 minutes aside for foam rolling and stretching at least five times a week. If you don’t currently stretch or foam roll after working out, or just in general, I highly suggest adding it to your daily/weekly routine! 
      4. Make sure Diesel gets plenty of exercise after work.
Not to sound cocky, but I already do a decent job at this, but I can always be better! My current struggle with this is the time change. I’m still getting used to it! Now that it’s getting darker earlier, I have to rearrange my entire schedule. I have to get to work earlier so that I can do blog photo shoots and get Diesel to the dog park before it gets too dark to play. Granted he would play in complete darkness haha! Since Diesel is at home all day, it’s very important for him to get exercise. If you have a dog park nearby, I highly recommend taking your dog there or at least going on a walk after work!
    5. Have more date nights with Chandler.
The holidays are crazy. That goes without saying! However, you don’t want to get so wrapped up in them that you don’t have enough time for the people that matter the most to you. Making time for date nights is extremely important. They give you and your significant other time to reconnect after a long day. You might have to schedule these out weeks in advance and that’s okay! Do what you need to do to make sure you have that time with each other because it is special. 🙂 
Shoes: Booties