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How To: Cure Your Post-Holiday Blues!

Happy Wednesday!
How is everyone’s week going? I’m so happy that it’s already Wednesday because that means I’m a few days closer to this weekend. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about my horseback riding lesson. It really was something that I’ve been wanting to do my entire life and it has completely consumed my daily thoughts. I think I look at my photos from that day at least five times a day! They told me I’d become addicted and I already was before I got there. 🙂 
Today, I wanted to talk about how to cure your post-holiday blues. Many people get depressed after the holidays because everything is so go-go-go in a happy way for so long and then it all just stops. I totally get it too! The holidays are my favorite time of the year and it sucks when you have to take down the tree and all the decorations. But, just because it’s over, doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to be excited about for the new year! Below are five ways on how you can cure your post-holiday blues. 
  1. Adopt a new fur-iend!

I’ve said it many times, but we are still so happy that we adopted Diesel a year ago. He’s such a good boy and makes our lives so much happier and interesting for sure! Adopting an animal: dog, cat, or your animal of choice is such a great thing to do. You get companionship, fun memories and an awesome cuddle buddy. The best part about adoption is that not only do they impact your life but you also impact theirs for the better. Head over to your local shelter to find your new fur-ever friend!

      2. Add some color to your wardrobe!

I know that during the winter, a lot of people wear darker colors and even some neutrals but who says you have to do that too! While I do love darker tones, my favorite colors are fun and happy. Grab some bright yellow, pink, red, green, etc. styles to your wardrobe to liven things up! Spring is just around the corner anyway!

      3. Volunteer!

Volunteering is such a rewarding experience. There are so many opportunities out there as well! You can volunteer at animal shelters, hospitals, soup kitchens, and more. There’s nothing better than doing something good for someone else. All you have to do is search volunteer opportunities on Google and a list of local sites will appear in your search!

      4. Start a new workout routine

All of us have a few (or a little more than a few haha) holiday calories to burn right? While I’m a firm believer that holiday calories don’t count, my body thinks otherwise. ? In addition to losing weight, toning up and other physical health benefits, working out also helps your mental health. Anytime you’re feeling stressed or energized, channel all of that into a workout. Not only does this help rid those negative thoughts and all of that extra energy, it also helps your body in so many ways. I am a part of the Tone It Up community and I absolutely love it. We just started the Love Your Body Series this week and it’s already amazing after three days. Click here to sign up today!

      5. Travel

Our world is so amazing! Did you know that? The best part, is that you don’t have to travel to Bali or London to say that. Traveling is such a great way to make new memories and learn something new. I have so many positive memories from all of the places I’ve been to, including some that were just 20 minutes away. That’s the best part about traveling is that even if you go to the next town over to try a new restaurant, gallery or cute boutique, you still went somewhere! Not to mention, we’re starting to enter festival season again which leaves room for so many 2018 memories to be built! Google towns near me and see what’s in your own backyard, or be spontaneous and book a flight to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go! I promise you’ll be happy you did!

I hope you all loved these ideas and I hope your 2018 year is your happiest year yet!

Sweater: ASOS