My New Nightly Routine
Happy Wednesday!
Congrats everyone – you made it to the middle of the week! I always know that once we hit Wednesday, it’s all uphill from there! This past weekend I felt super productive because I was finally able to shoot some blog content, do a riding lesson, and more. Some of this I feel like is because of my new nightly routine. I have been trying to tweak what I do at night in order to help me sleep better and to just relax and be happier overall. Below is a breakdown of my new nightly routine that could help you too!
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I don’t always take the time to enjoy a shower anymore. It started to feel like a chore when I got home. Something that I’m trying to start doing is to really enjoy this part of my day and to use it as a time to decompress. There’s nothing better than a nice hot shower after a long day at work to release any tension!
4. Watch just some TV.
I’ve noticed lately that if I’m watching TV past a certain time that it makes it hard for me to fall asleep at night. So, my new rule is to try and only watch TV until 9pm. My ideal bed time every night is 10 (even though I’m sure I should be going to bed a little earlier). I do have a lot of shows that I watch that go from 8-10 or that come on at 9. With those shows, I’m trying to watch them the next day at an earlier time so that I still get to enjoy them, and reap the benefits of more sleep!
5. Read & put your phone away!!!
This is the biggest change I’ve made to my nightly routine and it’s my favorite. Once I started working I feel like I stopped reading. Usually when you’re in school you’re reading all the time. Not necessarily for fun I might add but you’re still doing it! Not only is reading relaxing but it teaches you something new, and it helps you fall asleep (just like it did in college ha!). Also, when I say read, I mean hard cover books or magazines. Kindle’s or reading on your phone is great and all, but at night your eyes really need to get away from a screen and the bright light in your face. In today’s age, we’re constantly on a phone or computer for almost every aspect of our lives, and it really puts a strain on our eyes. Take this time to put your phones away and to just read something that you love.
What’s your nightly routine? I’d love to hear what you do every night that helps you relax and decompress from the day. Also, if you try anything from my routine, I’d love to hear how it’s helping you! 🙂