My Thank You Letter To The Barn

Dear Barn,

Thank you for making me smile everyday. I’m not sure if you know this or not, but I have been wanting to be your best friend since I was a little girl. I’ve wanted to walk up and down your aisles with a huge grin on my face, with treats in both hands for all the good (and naughty haha) ponies on both sides. I’ve wanted to hide and play in your hay lofts with all of my friends and have sleepovers right outside your doors in the calm, peaceful fields.


Brunette Girl Horseback Rider on Dark Bay Warmblood Mare

Thank you for protecting my best friends in the whole world by providing a shelter when needed. Thank you for giving them water, food, a bed, and a place to call home. From the coverage you provide during scary thunderstorms to the cool fans you have running on hot summer days, thank you.

Thank you for everything you have taught and will continue to teach me. You have taught me determination, hard work, understanding, patience (oh lord patience haha), trust, love, and so much more. I didn’t know the amount of love you had inside of you until I walked through your doors and all I can say is wow. Thank you for letting your friends be my friends too because honestly, they’re pretty stinking cool. I will always be grateful for their wisdom and kindness, and I have learned to laugh at their stubbornness (because I found an animal who could be as stubborn as me haha!).

Last but not least, I’d like to say thank you from everyone I know who haven’t thanked you in a long time. You are the reason all of us get up in the morning everyday. You are the reason why even on our worst days, our sad frowns turn into the biggest grins by just your presence alone. You are the reason why all of us met. If it weren’t for you, we all might not have ever found each other, and that truly would have been a shame. Thank you for everything you have done and will continue to do in the years to come. 

We love you,

Caitlin & everyone. 🙂 

Photography: Nicole Schultz Photography