
Rider Interview Series: Nicole Schultz

Happy Wednesday!

Last September I discovered an incredible equine photographer, Nicole Schultz. I was in the process of expanding my blog to include an equestrian section and reached out to her to see if she would be interested in working together. I was beyond excited when she said yes and the rest is history! Nicole has been so wonderful to work with and I recommend her to everyone I know.

What most people don’t know is that she also rides! So, without wasting anymore time, let’s get to know Nicole Schultz!


1. I don’t think many people know that you also ride! How long have you been riding?

I get asked every photo session if I ride or not, and many people are surprised when I tell them for almost 14 years now!

2. What discipline(s) do you ride? Do you have a favorite?

 I ride hunter-jumper, whether that means I am in the hunter ring, jumper ring, or equitation ring. I will ride anything I can get on! But I REALLY want to do the adult eq. 

3. Who are some of your biggest inspirations?

 This may sound bad, but I can’t think of one exact person that inspires me. I am inspired by so many people in this industry, whether they are my hardworking clients, the riders I see at the shows, or an Instagram influencer (@mpmsporthorses for example). 

4. Tell us more about your lease horse! Height/age/breed/quirks? 🙂

I currently ride this super fun and quirky chestnut, Thoroughbred gelding right now. His owner is so nice to let me come out and ride and love on him like my own. He is sixteen years old, flats like a hunter, but goes around a course like a jumper. He LOVES the water hose and making a splash. 


5. What inspired you to start your own business? How long have you had it?

I have been taking photos at local shows for almost ten years now, started my professional business up two years ago. I honestly thought a desk job was what I wanted, wearing the nice office clothes, and being in a high rise. I gave it a try, actually! But I kept finding myself back at it with the photography, and none the less, photographing horses. I dropped everything a year and a half ago to work along side The Book, LLC and it really changed my whole life!

6. What is your favorite part about your job? 

My favorite part is definitely getting to travel, going to some beautiful barns, photographing some stunning horses, and really getting to know more people in this industry. If I didn’t get to photograph horses, I honestly would not have horses in my life. 


7. I love seeing all of the places that you travel to! Where are you looking forward to visiting most this year?

This year has been off to a slow start for travel, but I am very excite to drive up to NJ, NY, and other northeastern states! I did this trip last year and it was so great! For downtime, I take a trip to the mountains in North Carolina during the fall foliage, and it is breath taking!

8. What tips can you provide to someone who is wanting to start their own business?

My biggest tip is to start off correctly in the beginning. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, to get a mentor, and to do your research. It does not come easy, and I wish these are things I would have known and done in the start. 


9. How do you balance riding with your job?

When I am traveling for weeks at a time, I really cannot do much. I work mostly from home, on the computer (which can get so boring), so then I will select two hours of the day to be out and spend it at the barn. If I am out of town, but in Jacksonville, I contact some old trainers to pick up some lessons. 

10. Do you have any plans to show this year?

I would seriously love to get in the show ring this year. I keep finding myself going one whole year in between shows. I find it so hard for me financially to maintain it (add in cost to lease a horse, cost of lessons/trainer, the show fees, and more) but I have a horse show goal, and that is the Ariat Adult Medal! I don’t see that goal being reached this year, but I have high hopes for next year!


Thank you so much for taking the time today to learn more about my incredible equestrian photographer, Nicole Schultz. If you’re interested in booking a session with her I highly recommend it. To view her variety of booking opportunities, you can view her portfolio on her website. You can also view her amazing work through her social channels below:

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!