Simply Paws Design Cat Litter Box Ramp
When I attended the Global Pet Expo in Orlando, FL, I met the nicest couple, Patti and Kevin, who also happened to be cat parents! After speaking with them for a little while, I got to learn more about a product they were working on that was inspired by their own cats.
Patti and Kevin created their brand Simply Paws Design and their Purrfectly Clean Paws® cat litter box ramp that I’m featuring in this post. This litter box ramp was inspired by their cat Ripley and the need for not only cat mobility aids, but also a cleaning aid for cat parents!
When I first saw this cat litter box ramp, I immediately knew our kitten Colonel Mustard would instantly take to it. We have a large dog bed ramp for Diesel and Annie, and every time Colonel gets on the bed, he uses the ramp just like his dog brother and sister do. It always cracks me up to see what he does like the dogs, ha!
In this post I’m going to be sharing all about their brand new Simply Paws Design cat litter box ramp including what it’s made of, how it works and the different ways this cat litter box ramp can be used with numerous litter box styles!

What Is The Cat Litter Box Ramp Made Of?
This cat litter box ramp is made in the USA from premium, corrugated cardboard that is 100% recycled fiber and it’s extremely lightweight. Plus, the side of the ramp has the logo printed with water-based ink that is recyclable and adhesives that are environmentally responsible.
This eco-friendly cat litter box ramp is fully recyclable and can be composted, which as a plant lady, I love! I think it’s so incredible that Simply Paws Design wanted to make something that was meant to help cats, but also the environment.
What Does The Cat Litter Box Ramp Do?
This cat litter box ramp has two main goals:
- Support cats of all sizes and ages with mobility in and out of the litter box.
This goal was extremely important to me because when my last two cats that I had, Oscar and Felix were seniors, I wish there was something like this available. Felix specifically struggled with doing a lot of things as he aged and this would have been extremely helpful in helping him do an every day activity.
- Capture litter and dust while cleaning cats paws when they leave the litter box.
This goal helps one of all cat owner’s biggest frustrations: litter going everywhere! What’s nice about this cat litter box ramp, is as your cat leaves, everything that would come off their paws instantly drops into the ramp, keeping everything inside and not all over your floor, or even worse, your bed (we’ve all been there!).
What’s great about this cat litter box ramp design too, is that you can easily pour all of the excess litter that falls into the litter box ramp back into your litter box, eliminating any waste!
Two Cat Litter Box Ramp Variations
What’s also really cool about this cat litter box ramp is that it can be attached to numerous litter box styles and it has two different attachment variations. Below is a breakdown of both using a front facing litter box that has had the door removed.
Variation one: Raised ramp
The first variation of the cat litter box ramp hooks the top of the ramp onto the litter box while having the cardboard shields on both sides to form the ramp barrier at the top. With this variation of the cat litter box ramp, there’s a gap at the end of the ramp for any excess cat litter to fall to if it doesn’t make it into any of the corrugated cardboard.

Variation two: Flat ramp
This variation of the cat litter box ramp connects to your litter box by hooking those cardboard wings that originally were the barriers for the other ramp, under the lid of your litter box. If you have a pan style litter box, you would connect those wings in the same spot, just under the lip.
Originally, this variation was designed for senior cats since it’s not as high, but it truly can be up to your cat’s personal preference! For the most part, I’ve kept the Simply Paws Design cat litter box ramp on the first variation, but right now Colonel isn’t picky on either way! When he’s not using the cat litter box ramp as a ramp, he also likes to use it as a cardboard cat scratcher. He scratches on it from time to time and it still looks brand new!
To see more videos and information on how to attach the Purrfectly Clean Paws® cat litter box ramp, check out Simply Paws Design website and Instagram for more!

How To Teach Your Cat To Use A Litter Box Ramp
When you get your Simply Paws Design cat litter box ramp, you will get a small flyer that shows not only the two variations and how to attach them, but also helpful steps on how to teach your cat to use a cat litter box ramp.
If your cat isn’t like Colonel Mustard who learned to use a cat litter box ramp from a dog bed ramp, ha, what I would suggest doing is introducing your litter box ramp first by placing it flat on the ground. From there, let your cat become familiar with it, let them walk on it, lay on it, scratch on it, etc.
I’ve even taken a treat or two and let Colonel walk on the ramp and get a treat at the end of the ramp, which is super easy to do. No matter what, let your cat take it in their own time since every cat adjusts to things differently!

I’m so happy that we have the Simply Paws Design Purrfectly Clean Paws® cat litter box ramp because I really feel like I’m already prepared for Colonel Mustard and any other cats that join our family through all of their stages of life. Plus, I love that I can finally contain all of the litter box mess that used to always be a struggle!
If you loved reading my Simply Paws Design cat litter box ramp review, definitely check out more from my cat owner tips section to discover the coolest cat product reviews, cat enrichment ideas, and so much more.
Photography: Kate Kelley Collection