
Spring Date Idea: Baseball Game

Happy Monday!

I’ll be honest, I’m not happy that it’s already Monday again. I could really use one more day of relaxation. Who’s with me?! ? Yesterday had some funny moments though. One of them being good ol’ Mr. King. So, I gave him a bath yesterday, brushed out his mane and tail, and made him look super handsome right? Well, when I went to put him back out in his pasture, he looked at me once we were in, looked at the dirt and I was like “Don’t you do it.” He then proceeded to walk around in a circle near the dirt and I said again: “King, don’t you dare” and of course seconds later he dropped down and started rolling in the dirt. I just sat there and sighed and then giggled to myself. I love how every horse has their own unique personality, especially Mr. King. Also, boys will be boys too right?!  ?

Today I’m sharing my next date idea from my spring date series! Growing up, I always went to baseball games. One of my friends from back home has been playing since he could walk! I would always go to his games with his parents and my school’s games. Needless to say, baseball is one of my favorite sports! Now that it’s spring, it means that the season is officially here! Here in Jacksonville, we don’t have an official major league team but we do have a minor league team called the Jumbo Shrimp. Let me just say that I am not happy about the name.  ?  We used to be called the Suns which was perfect because you know, Florida. The team name was changed last year I believe and I recently heard why. Not sure if this is true, but I heard that teams with really stupid names have better luck. This didn’t seem to be the case at the game we attended but the season just started so we’ll see won’t we Shrimp!

Every city has their own team whether it’s major league, minor league or even collegiate! This is such a fun idea to do with friends or your significant other for date night. Tickets for collegiate or minor league games are usually really inexpensive. At the shrimp game I believe you could get dugout seats for only like $18. Super cheap! Every field has it’s own layout too. We went during opening week which was SUPER busy and I wouldn’t recommend getting tickets the same day or a day before. The options you have will be limited. 
Our seats were towards the outfield past first base which wasn’t too bad. You really can’t go wrong with seats at a baseball game because the team uses the entire field. I will say that my favorite seats are behind home plate! Every field has different prices but you can look up any team’s schedule and tickets online. 
Click here for information on minor league teams.
Click here for information on major league teams.
Now, the best part about sporting events is the food. I mean..am I right or am I right? Now, we all know that there is nothing healthy about it and that’s the best part! My favorite sporting game foods are pretzels, chicken tenders, and fries. I’m not much of a beer drinker so Chandler always makes sure that that food group is taken care of. ?
What’s cool is that most sporting events have theme nights or will have different people working the game depending on what they have planned out for the season. This game was cool because the chiefs mess (U.S. Navy) was working the concessions which was fun for Chandler. 
If you decide to go to a game anytime soon I hope you have the best time! I’d love to hear how it went! ☺️