Weekly Round Up
Happy Friday!!!
I thought this Friday needed a few extra exclamation points. Not for any reason in particular, but sometimes I think we just need to get a little more excited about each day. I will say though that this week was definitely a struggle. I had a hard time getting up to work out, once I was at the gym it was hard for me to work out, and throughout the week I just felt super tired. Did anyone else have a similar week? I am so looking forward to sleeping in this weekend and enjoying the days off.
Plus, Chandler found an awesome deal on Groupon for tickets to Cirque Du Soleil for Saturday and I’m really excited. I’ve never been before but I’ve heard it’s an incredible experience. Have you ever been?!
Below are this week’s round up articles. I hope you all love them!
Looking for a delicious and healthy dinner entree? This one pan greek chicken and lemon rice meal from Kale Junkie looks so good. Besides pasta, rice is my favorite carb by far and this recipe has all of my favorites: rice, and greek chicken!
Read it here: https://www.kalejunkie.com/nicole-modic-blog/one-pan-greek-chicken-and-lemon-rice
Have you ever put quinoa in a taco before? I know I haven’t! Rachel Mansfield shared a recipe for crispy pan fried quinoa avocado tacos and it actually sounds pretty interesting. Definitely check out the recipe below!
Read it here: http://rachlmansfield.com/crispy-pan-fried-quinoa-avocado-tacos/
Have you ever heard of milk thistle? Did you know it’s actually not milk at all? I knew none of this until I stumbled upon this recipe from The Well Necessities. It is an undercover green detox smoothie bowl that has many amazing ingredients that will make your body feel amazing!
Read it here: https://thewellnecessities.com/undercover-green-detox-smoothie-bowl/
So, I have never heard of stewed berries. I’ve only really ever heard of stewed tomatoes. This grain free oatmeal recipe is paleo and vegan and only has two steps in the recipe!
Read it here: https://www.leahsplate.com/grain-free-oatmeal-with-stewed-berries/
Is anyone else shopping for their significant other’s birthday this month? Chandler’s birthday is next week and I still don’t know what to get him. I swear it just crept up on me. I mean, I’m still in shock that it’s August! This list from Cosmopolitan has a ton of options for different types of guys, which I really liked! I hope it gives you some good ideas.
Read it here: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/fashion/g22628672/best-gifts-husband/
I will always applaud good marketing but that’s because I’m a marketing nerd haha! One of my favorite restaurants, Olive Garden, shared the funniest tweet this week featuring a makeup palette with food themed colors. It doesn’t look like it’s actually happening anytime soon, but, if it does I’m in!
Read it here: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/beauty/a22629064/olive-garden-makeup-palette/
I’ve been reworking the budget lately to have better control of what I’m spending every week/month. Cosmo shared an article about multiple women and the amount of money in their savings accounts. It also goes into detail on their tricks to saving money, as well as what they wish they could improve about their savings habits. I liked this article because it was very realistic. Some people have a lot and some don’t because of life circumstances. Regardless of the amount, there’s a ton of advice from multiple people that could really benefit you!
Read it here: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/career/a22330620/savings-account-age-25/
Even though I love summer, I love seeing fall outfits. I can’t wear them for a while but it’s still nice to see haha. Vanessa from The Cheeky Been shared the cutest fall look featuring fun olive and rose tones. I just loved it!
See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl5gZJmA81B/?taken-by=thecheekybeen
Vanessa also shared the cutest yellow dress that I could totally wear the remainder of summer plus into fall!
See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Blv8kBoAKk2/?taken-by=thecheekybeen
I love graphic tees. They’re such a classic and nowadays they have the cutest sayings on them! Camille from Charmed by Camille shared the cutest graphic tee + denim skirt combo that is adorable for the summer weather.
See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl5e4BSjKgJ/?taken-by=charmedbycamille
Polka dots are so fun aren’t they? Caroline from Currently Caro shared the cutest polka dot midi dress on her Instagram this week. Plus, it’s on sale!!
See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl-z2h5FgX7/?taken-by=currentlycaro
I fell in love with two piece sets this summer. I wasn’t sure at first if I could even wear them but after I tried one on I was like ok, I got this. Haha! Hilary from By Hilary Rose shared the cutest bright colored two piece set this week. The blue hues on this set plus the scallop details totally give me mermaid vibes!
See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl1fwZengJm/?taken-by=byhilaryrose
That’s all for this week’s round up post! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and definitely check out my stories tomorrow night for a look at Cirque Du Soleil!