
Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!!!

How was everyone’s week? Honestly, I felt like every day went by soooo slow. You ever have one of those weeks where you just don’t have any motivation to work? This week was one of those weeks. All I wanted to do was work on my blog, snuggle with my dog and ride horses. Haha!

However, I was really proud of myself this week. Since the Tone It Up Love Your Body series launched this week, I made it a goal for myself to get in a better workout routine. I took the time to sign up for all of my Studio Tone It Up classes for the week and told myself that once I’m signed up, I’m committed. I prepared my workout outfits for each morning and set my alarm earlier so that I would be up in the morning, doing the daily moves before my Studio Tone It Up class. And…..I DID IT! I have started my daily moves at 5:30 am every day this week and have been in class at 6 am and I feel great! I love the fact that I’m getting in a great workout before work everyday. I highly recommend signing up for the series if you haven’t already.

Now onto today’s weekly round up post. I found so many great articles, images and videos this week that I am excited to share with all of you. I hope you love it!


I wasn’t able to watch the Golden Globes, but, I have heard so much buzz about Oprah’s amazing speech. I just listened to it as I was writing this post and it is so empowering. I grew up with my mom LOVING Oprah’s show, magazine, and basically anything about Oprah.  Click the link below to be inspired. 🙂

See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN5HV79_8B8

Every Friday I listen to the New Music Friday playlist on Spotify. It’s one of those little things that I look forward to every week! Music is a huge factor into how my day goes. If I’m tired, I listen to chill music, if I’m happy I’m listening to a pop cardio playlist! Refinery 29 shared two posts about two separate playlists that I love. See them below.

Happy songs that will instantly put you in a good mood: http://www.refinery29.com/happy-music
The sexiest songs of all time: http://www.refinery29.com/2015/02/81737/sexy-songs#slide-1

P.S. The second playlist is perfect for Valentine’s Day! 😉


I have been loving all of the tropical vacation photos that I’ve been seeing lately! Vanessa from The Cheeky Been has been sharing the most gorgeous travel pics on her Insta right now I can’t deal! I can’t wait to see a full round up of her trip.

See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BdtKDmglW5U/?taken-by=thecheekybeen 

Olivia Rink has also been sharing gorgeous travel photos. The photos below are absolutely gorgeous with the sunset!

See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bdy5fw9nPyo/?taken-by=oliviarink

Now, for what many places actually look like haha! Olivia from What Oliva Did shared some amazing photos from her trip to Whistler, Canada. Like her, Canada is on my radar as a future destination. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to go but I would love to! Check out her post below for a beautiful winter wonderland!

Read it here: https://whatoliviadid.com/2018/01/away-in-whistler/


I love spring/summer fashion. It’s my favorite because the seasons are filled with bright, colorful outfits! Of course it’s still pretty cold everywhere so if we want spring to be here we’ve got to improvise am I right?! Cathy from Poor Little It Girl shared such a pretty silk floral rose top on her blog with a winter styling tip. Check it out!

Read it here: https://www.poorlittleitgirl.com/yellow-floral-rose-top/

Let my faux fur/teddy/plush/it’s so fluffy coat obsession continue with this gorgeous look from Cass DiMicco!

See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BdlKf0NhbBs/?taken-by=cassdimicco

Can we just talk for a second about what a total babe Rocky Barnes is? I mean seriously, who else can pose with elephants and look absolutely stunning! Well, probably anyone but me! ???

See it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BdyqIrvH2Gp/?taken-by=rocky_barnes
She also looks stunning in the same outfit in this photo too: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bdzy-oeng-R/?taken-by=rocky_barnes

I hope you all have a wonderful week and I can’t wait to share more with all of you next week!