3 Horse Enrichment Toys From Horsemen’s Pride
If you’ve been following me for quite some time, you know that I am the BIGGEST fan of Jolly Pets dog toys and canine enrichment! What’s funny though, is that I actually discovered Jolly Pets dog toys because of the Horse Jolly Ball at my barn! I had seen a few horses play with them in their stalls or out in the field and always thought it was so cute to see them having such a great time. Turns out, horses like enrichment too and there are a ton of different kinds of horse enrichment toys out there!
In this post, I’ll be sharing all about Jolly Pet’s sister brand, Horsemen’s Pride and some of their horse boredom busters and horse enrichment toys that you can try with your horse!

What Is Enrichment For Horses?
When I first started riding, I had no idea that like us, horses can also get very bored! From doing the same routine all the time, riding in the same areas, and even being stuck in a stall, these things along with others can lead to bad habits and behaviors like cribbing, weaving and more.
Horse enrichment is a great way to keep your horse happy and feeling their best in addition to good health care, exercise and more and it’s actually not that hard to do! You can use horse enrichment toys and puzzles like the ones featured in today’s post, as well as doing other activities like riding your horse in new areas.
Jolly Hay Ball
The first horse enrichment toy from Horsemen’s Pride, and the number one favorite at my barn out of all three from this post is the Jolly Hay Ball Horse Treat Ball! When I tell you the horses at my barn are OBSESSED with this toy, I am not even exaggerating, ha!
One horse in particular, my trainer’s horse Avogato has fallen absolutely in love with it! My friend Rose who works at the barn texted me the day, after I shot the photos for the post, and said I had created a monster (jokingly of course!) because of how much he loved the Jolly Hay Ball. She said he would play with it until it was empty and then walk back to the spot numerous times to show her that he wanted it refilled! How funny is that!
What I love about the Jolly Hay Ball is that this horse enrichment toy has so many uses. It can be a great everyday boredom buster for horses, or if you currently have a horse on stall rest for an injury, this is a great horse stall toy.
This horse treat ball can be filled with your horse’s hay of choice (Orchard is featured here) and you can stuff it with other treats like apples and carrots. Avogato’s favorite is carrots so I put tons of full length carrots in the smaller holes and he absolutely loved it!
Jolly Stall Snack
The second horse enrichment boredom buster is the Jolly Stall Snack! If you’ve ever heard of the Lick-It’s before or products similar, this is right up that alley!
The Jolly Stall Snack is an apple shaped treat holder that holds one tasty horse treat in the center.
Pro Tip: The treat itself does come with a plastic wrapping around it, so make sure to pull that off before giving it to your horse!
In this post I have the Apple treat flavor but it also comes in carrot, mint and their brand new flavor Blueberry! I haven’t tried the blueberry filling just yet because I want the apple flavor to be used up first, but I can’t wait to see what the horses think of the blueberry flavor!
The Jolly Stall Snack horse stall toy also comes in a set called the Jolly Stall Snack Combo to help make the treat last longer. The attachment is an apple scented ball which can be played with in addition to enjoying the Jolly Stall Snack horse treat toy!
For this item in particular, I offered it to a few horses in my barn to see who would love it the most, and the horse that thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread was my favorite boy Justice! He walked right up to it and started going for it! It honestly made all of us laugh in the barn because of how much he enjoyed it. Definitely brought a smile to my face that day!

Horse Jolly Ball
The last and certainly not least boredom toy for horses is the famous Horse Jolly Ball! What’s great about the Horse Jolly Ball horse ball toy is that it is a very versatile toy for horses. The Horse Jolly Ball makes a great pasture toy for horses and horse stall toy and it comes in two sizes, 8″ and 10″. Featured here is the 10″ version. The 10″ version also comes in the most colors!
For this horse ball toy in particular, I wanted to round up a handful of different horses to get their reaction! I showed it to two baby horses, my boy Justice who’s in his 20’s, and a pony and horse in their teens. Out of all the horses, the one that showed the most immediate reaction was one of the baby horses, which didn’t surprise me one bit! The others were quite curious about it but weren’t entirely sure what to do with it.
I think it’s one of those things that your horse can either immediately love, or it can take a little bit of time for them to see what it is! I have a few other horses that I plan on showing it to, so I’ll definitely keep you guys updated with how they all like it.
In my opinion, if you have a super goofy, playful horse, I think this would be a fun horse enrichment toy to try!

Out of all of these fun horse enrichment toys, which one do you think your horse will love the most? It truly made me smile seeing how excited Justice and Avogato were with their horse boredom busters from Horseman’s Pride. After playing with these, I definitely want to learn even more about horse enrichment and share many more fun activities you can do with your horse!
If you loved this post about Horsemen’s Pride horse enrichment toys, check out more of their enrichment toys like their Jolly Mega Ball, Amazing Graze and more! Plus, check out more of my posts about my favorite horse grooming products, horseback riding gear and if you also have a dog, my Jolly Pets dog toy reviews:
- Women’s English Paddock Boots: Kavalkade Romulus Boots
- One K Helmets MIPS CCS Helmet Review
- Striphair Gentle Groomer: Horse Grooming Tool
- 5 Must-Have Horse Grooming Products
- Jolly Pets Outside Active Dog Toys
- Jolly Pets Tree Tugger Outdoor Dog Toy Review
- Jolly Pets Jolly Dipper: Dog Enrichment Idea
Plus, don’t forget to check out some of my most recent posts below:
Photography: Kate Kelley Collection