3 Reasons To Clean Up After Your Dog

Nowadays, you can find a cleaning station just about anywhere to assist you with picking up after your dog. Yet, even though they’re available, people still don’t clean up after their pets! It can be extremely frustrating to those that do and to those that don’t have pets. I believe that people don’t pick up after their pets for two reasons:

1) Laziness 

2) Uneducated on the repercussions that can occur from not picking up after your pet

Many people don’t know that there are a lot of health risks involved for you, your pet, and other animals/parts of the environment when the poop is not cleaned up. Today, I’m sharing X reasons why you should clean up after your pet in hopes that it can help provide some insight!


1) It’s not fertilizer and will actually damage your lawn/grass

A common misconception about dog poop is that it’s just like a cow’s poop and will just decompose into the ground as a natural fertilizer. This is not true! Dogs and cows have completely different diets – cows are herbivores and and dogs are omnivores. Dog poop actually contains nitrogen and phosphorous and can actually “burn” your grass. 

Think about the times that you’ve walked into your back yard and saw random spots of dead grass? That’s from letting your dog’s poop sit on your grass for too long without being picked up. Always try to pick it up to keep your grass (and anywhere you go) clean.

2) Exposure To Harmful Bacteria And Parasites

Dog poop contains harmful bacteria and parasites that are not only harmful to dogs but humans as well. Dog poop can have:


  • Salmonella
  • E. Coli
  • Coccidia
  • Roundworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Parvo
  • Giardia

The list goes on! Not to mention, this bacteria can be present in the ground for over a year and it’s most likely rising into the sewage and water systems. Ick! In my opinion, this is the number one reason for why you should pick up after your dog. Why risk getting yourself, your dog, or someone else and their dog sick?

Want to help your dog even more? Check out this post about how to prevent burnt paw pads!

3) Be Polite & Make The World Smell Better

Isn’t it the absolute worst thing in the world to step in poop (no matter what kind ha!)? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stepped in it just from walking around a park, my own backyard, etc. Plus, your own dog can step in their own poop (unfortunately speaking from experience). 

Did you know that your shoes carry the most germs on your body? Think about it – you’re walking everywhere that bugs go, dirt goes, spills go, other people go, etc. Then to add poop on top of that? Gross! Keep your shoes clean (and not smelly) by picking up after your own pet and requesting that others do so as well. The world will smell a lot better!

Do you know someone who doesn’t pick up after their dog? Please encourage them and anyone else you may know/see to clean up after their pet. By doing so you’re keeping yourself, your pet, and everyone else from getting sick and hurting the environment!

Photography: Nikki B Photography