
DIY Snuffle Mat Ball: JW HOLEE Roller Ball Dog Toy Idea

So when I was at the barn the other day, I saw my friend’s new puppy playing with this dog ball with holes. I knew I had seen it at PetSmart before so after I found out what it was, I went and looked for the JW Pet HOLEE Roller. After doing some research, it turns out this rubber dog toy can be used in a ton of different ways!

I thought it would be fun to transform the JW Pet HOLEE Roller into a DIY snuffle mat ball! Dog snuffle mats are one of my dog’s favorite dog enrichment activities. If you’re new to dog enrichment activities and games, these are great activities for dogs that encourage your dog to use their sense of smell and their brain to solve puzzles that reward them with treats and food! I’m always trying new dog enrichment ideas and so far, this is one of my favorite homemade dog toys to keep them busy!

Follow along below to learn how to make one of my dog’s favorite new dog enrichment games out of the JW Pet HOLEE Roller!

DIY snuffle mat ball with JW Pet holee roller dog toy sparkles and sunshine blog

What You Need To Make This DIY Snuffle Mat Ball

Excited to turn your JW Pet HOLEE Roller into a DIY snuffle mat ball? Below is everything you’ll need to make this fun DIY puzzle for dogs:

  • 1 JW Pet HOLEE Roller Dog Toy (available in sizes mini, small, medium, large, extra large. We have the large!)
  • Felt or an old t-shirt
  • Scissors 
  • Dog food/treats

How To Make DIY Snuffle Mat Ball With JW Pet HOLEE Roller Dog Toy

Now that you’ve gathered everything to make this DIY snuffle mat ball out of your JW Pet HOLEE Roller dog toy, here are 4 easy steps to to make Annie’s favorite DIY puzzle toys for dogs:

Step 1: Grab your felt or old t-shirt and cut up into strips that are about 3 inches wide and maybe four inches long (I used an old t-shirt!). 

Step 2: Grab a few pieces of dog food and place onto your strips. 

Step 3: Roll up each strip individually and set aside. 

Pro Tip: For an added challenge, leave some strips empty. Learn more in steps 3-4!

jw pet holee roller idea diy snuffle mat dog enrichment ideas sparkles and sunshine blog
how to make diy snuffle mat sparkles and sunshine blog
how to make diy puzzle toys for dogs sparkles and sunshine blog
how to make diy dog enrichment activities sparkles and sunshine blog

Step 3: Grab all of your rolled up strips and start stuffing your JW Pet HOLEE Roller dog toy.

Pro Tip: To create an added challenge for your dog, fill your JW Pet HOLEE Roller dog toy with rolled up strips that are filled and others that aren’t. This will really encourage your dog to sniff through this DIY snuffle mat ball, creating an even better dog enrichment activity!

Step 4: Once your ball is filled, drop a few extra pieces of food into the ball. This helps provide a reward as soon as they start, resulting in your dog being excited to continue to play this dog enrichment game. 

That’s all there is to it!

dog enrichment games jw pet holee roller sparkles and sunshine blog
dog enrichment games jw pet holee roller sparkles and sunshine blog
dog playing with jw pet holee roller diy snuffle mat dog enrichment activities sparkles and sunshine blog
dog playing with jw pet holee roller diy snuffle mat dog enrichment ideas sparkles and sunshine blog

Between my two dogs, Annie loves this DIY snuffle mat ball made out of the JW Pet HOLEE Roller the most! She’s the kind of dog that always needs homemade dog toys to keep them busy and DIY puzzle toys for dogs like this make her extremely happy! 

If you loved these DIY dog enrichment games, make sure to check out my other posts below featuring more dog enrichment ideas like my favorite DIY puzzle toys for dogs, snuffle mats for dogs and more : 

P.S. Don’t forget check out some of my most recent posts below:

Photography: Kate Kelley Collection